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What Makes me Great Disney Pixar Board Book

What Makes me Great Disney Pixar Board Book ?? What Makes me Great Disney Pixar Board Book

Some of the best-loved Disney characters have been given cute, toddler-friendly makeovers in this simple yet fun board book that is personalised with the recipient's name. Cute characters from such films as Toy Story, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo all appear in 'What Makes Me Great?', as your little one learns about the positive attributes of each Disney hero. The child's name appears throughout the book, as well as on the front cover, and a personal message can be added to the opening page. As a board book, the pages inside 'What Makes Me Great?' have been especially designed so that little hands can navigate their way from start to finish with minimal assistance. A fun, colourful book with a unique style, 'What Makes Me Great?' is a lovely way to introduce little ones to the world of Disney.
